Category: Uncategorized

  • Centreboard Cup 2023 Sat 2 Dec

    Details to come, but see the Ponsonby schedule .

  • Centreboard Cup 2021

    The annual Sloanes Beach Regatta and Centreboard Cup is on this coming Sat 11 Dec 2021. FYI – the post-race prize giving and music is running as a vaccine pass event, so please be ready to show your vaccine pass. As in previous years, the day will feature around-Watchman races for boats entering the Centreboard Cup.  Come along and…

  • Centreboard Cup Sat 19 Dec 2020 11am for 1130 race start

    Many thanks to Nick Atkinson, Finn Scholes, skippers and crew, and the Ponsonby race management team for another great day in beautiful weather. We were very pleased to have Alan Houghton of Waitemata Woodies fame join u for the first half of the day. He has a nice writeup here (pdf archive). There are more…

  • 3pm Racing Start (not 4pm)

    Racing for the Centreboard Cup starts tomorrow at 3pm, not 4pm. Sorry for the late correction.

  • Centreboard Cup Sat 21 Dec 2019

    2019 Regatta and Centreboard Cup View our gallery of the event. Correction: Racing tomorrow starts at 15:00 (3pm), not 4pm as previously reported. The Sloanes Beach Regatta and Centreboard Cup at Sloanes Beach, 33/35 Marine Parade, Herne Bay, will be on Saturday 21 December with racing starting at 15:00 (3pm) 16:00 (4pm). Tides for Sat…

  • Centreboard Cup and Regatta 2018 Sat 15 Dec

    2018 Regatta and Centreboard Cup The 2018 Centreboard Cup was another great day on Sloanes Beach. Despite a poor forecast, the day was perfect without even a drop of rain. The wind was a consistent easterly, making for great sailing for the old mullet boats in this year’s Centreboard Cup. The racing got underway off…

  • Centreboard Cup Chart & Map

    A chart is available below showing the key landmarks, including Sloanes Beach, for our HBCC Centreboard Cup race and regatta. We also have a map of the planned courses and possible launching ramps. Any changes to these courses required by the weather will be advised on the day. Open the full Google map View larger…

  • Centreboard Cup 2016: Sat 17 Dec 2016 11am Racing

    Thanks to everyone for helping make our 2016 Regatta such a success. Congratulations to Valeria for winning the Mullet boat division, and to Hawke Sea Scouts for completing and winning the under-18 race.   Photos of the day are now available in our Gallery.   ———————   This year’s Sloanes Beach Regatta and Centreboard Cup…

  • Sloanes Beach Regatta & Centreboard Cup Sat 19 Dec 2015 12pm-5pm; 2pm race start

    Sat 19 December 12:00pm: Centreboard Cup Racing, Classic Boats, Childrens Games and a Picnic on Sloanes Beach, Marine Parade, Herne Bay Thanks to everyone from Ponsonby Cruising Club & Richmond Yacht Club, and in particular Nick Atkinson, for making this day work so well. Photos are available on Facebook. There is a lovely independent writeup…

  • Meola Mussels

    Check out the Sept 2014 “Revive Our Gulf” Newsletter for a brief article about our contributions to re-invogorating the local mussels.